02 December 2010

PBR vs. PBR Light: The Ultimate Throwdown

Before I introduce the first topic of my commentary, I would like to elaborate what the overall tone and subject of this column. In the various installments, we will be exploring the nuances of beer that let’s just say is less than stellar and very cost effective. To say I am euphemizing here is an understatement. The tone of the column will be one that takes itself too seriously at times, done on purpose and also extremely harsh, also done on purpose. Without further delay, I do hope everyone does enjoy as I wax poetic on some of the truly great beers of our time.


When two such fiery competitors go head-to-head is a draconian like struggle, truly it is a sight to behold. Much like a commentator at a heavily contested Cock fight, I am left speechless after experiencing these two heavyweights of the Piss-tacular division of beers. Each Blue Ribbon brings something to the table. On the first taste of the two, PBR had the clear edge. Its distinct taste separates it from the rest of the pack. Some beers are meant to be smooth and savored. PBR is not one of theses. It contains shall we say its own bite and brisk taste. It’s the definitive PBR flavor. Its appeal is classic and indisputable.

In fact one of the big knock s for me on PBR Light, is that it deadens too much of this distinct PBR flavor. It sacrifices the taste for a more I want to say is supposed to pass as smoothness. However, I contend where the Light has the advantage, is in mainstream appeal. In a division of beers where some hail Bud Light and Beast as arguably icons, PBR Light brings you closest to the Bud light flavor while still holding the Bite of the PBR. This would appeal more to your average beer drinker.

My contention and the conclusion is if PBR and Bud Light merged, it would become PBR Light. The amalgamation of the two beers, however cannot top the original PBR. It out classes the Light. Now if you are looking for a more Beast, PBR Light is the beer for you. If you are used to a bit more class in your beer go for the PBR and never look back.

PBR – 4 pisses out 5

LIGHT – 2½ - pisses out of 5



A staple of Philadelphia drinking culture is a Shot of whiskey and a PBR. It gets offered affordably and widespread around the city. I decided to test each beer’s effect when combined in this element of Phila-beer-icana.

The original City special is not meant to tinkered with or replaced. But I was drawn to conclude, that PBR Light does offer an acceptable substitute if PBR is kicked for the night. The LIGHT has enough of the PBR bite to make for a good combo. But like I said don’t try to mess with perfection if you don’t have to.

08 October 2010

Quick Shots - Going Yard

Quick shot here to get us started on some actual pseudo-journalism - Fishtown brewery Yards Brewing Company is expected to add about 8,000 barrels of beer to its rotation next year according to this story in the Philadelphia Business Journal. My friends, that is roughly 252,000 gallons of beer, coming from two new tanks they are installing next year.

(h/t to PW)

New Features, New Drinks, Same Drunkenness

Well hello there. Welcome to the new and improved Responsible Drunk. It has indeed been awhile since we sort of died off over a year ago but now we're back with a new, sustainable (to the point of liver failure) model. We've got a slate of new writers, and not a teetotaler among them! The updated manifesto is something like this:

The RD will maintain its bread and butter (or shall I say yeast and sugar?) mentality of a reviews-oriented approach to alco-journalism, but we are expanding beyond the great wall of beer to include reviews of cocktails, cordials, liqours, liquors, booze, grains, shines and basically anything that "will get you drunk". Review process will remain the same (as will our 10.0 scale we ganked from Pitchfork), reviewed drinks will be co-tasted and rated with the stronger opinioned of the two raters taking up the review. The new expansion will include semi-regular commentary from a new slate of writers as well as your EIC. Who knows, we may even branch out into visual or aural media via podcasts or YouTube. In any event, there's going to be a whole lot more writing. I will allow our new writers to introduce themselves, but below I've provided their names/probable column descriptions:

Seth Finck "Drinking on the TeeVee" - This may just end up as a Mad Men review column, who knows!
Brad Pearson "Drinking Games" - This post will get you drunk.
Anthony DePaul "Cheap Ass Beer of the Week" - Classin' up the joint.
Andy Beers "F•ck That Vodka" - Not for children, but most definitely for the ladies.
Harry Cleveland "Samurai Malt Whiskey" - Writings from the land of the falling down drunk.
Chris Morse "All Ginned up for a Fight" - Because gin leads to fights every time.
Jim Ryan, EIC - I'll be covering miscellany including fancy new cocktails, bar reviews, continuing our RD Night Out segment, interviews, in addition to managing reviews and other content.

So that is our plan. Fire up those google readers and as always, drink responsibly.

04 October 2010

Responsible Drunk 2: The Drunkening

Well, well, well, it has been some time hasn't it? Well, be prepared because in the near future we are relaunching this thing in a bigger and badder fashion. We've got new writers, new reviews, and we are gonna diversify our bonds by dipping into the vast ocean of liqour. A more comprehensive preview is in the works, but this is so you fire up your RSS feeds that have gone long dormant.